Friday, May 1, 2009

Goodbye Barcelona!!!!

I finished everything for my program on Wednesday and this will be my last post. It's hard to believe my semester in Barcelona is over. By now most of my classmates have dispersed either to Europe or back to the states. It's bittersweet to have the time here ending, but it's also exciting to move forward into the summer.

If I could go back in time and make the study abroad choice over again, I would definitely once again pick Barcelona. The city itself is so multifaceted in every aspect. From geography to architecture to clothing to food, everything is compelling in Barcelona.
The cityscape has been a great scene fish bowl to explore and study. It's been interesting to see urban transformations occur in front of my eyes. I can only imagine if (...when!) I return to Barcelona how it will have changed. In addition to the city and architecture, the Barcelonians themselves live a great lifestyle. Eating dinner at 9 and starting business days at ten, it's clear that they value social interaction and leisure time in a different way than you'll ever see in the US. Spaniards in general have a different outlook on life than Americans and it's so interesting to compare the culture's priorities and motivations.

I'll be in Europe for a few more weeks so I'll have plenty more stories and photos to share. If you've been reading this blog, thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed it.
I hope to see you this summer or sometime soon.