Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where I live

For the semester I got an apartment in the El Born area of Barcelona with 5 other guys from my school. It's a part of the old city which basically means narrow pedestrian streets and crooked, old, wonderful architecture.
If you're curious about what my neighborhood looks like...

This is the view from our tiny balcony:

And this is a huge monument just one block away:

I walk through this everyday to catch the metro.

Even though the narrow streets are sketchy at night, I really enjoy living in Born.


  1. Thanks for posting these views John. I love that you have a little balcony- so European! And the crooked old streets are just what we're missing out on in America- so charming. Although I shouldn't complain since we have a few streets like that around here. Never forget these moments- you will miss them in the future. I have to add that the name of your neighborhood is pretty cool- reminds me of the Jason Bourne movies...which we have to finish watching this Summer after your return.
    Lots of Love,

  2. These are great shots, and help us visualize your life in Barcelona. Thanks!

  3. ohhh wow! I love that you have a balcony! And I can only imagine how beautiful your views in person. I also cant get over the palm trees, too! Beautiful!
