Thursday, March 26, 2009


I recently took a day trip to the pilgrimage site of Montserrat which is about an hour and a half away from Barcelona by train.. It's basically a very large mountain with very unique rock formations. There was an apparition of Mary here (I think) and now there's a basilica, monastery, and tons of other religious attractions near the peak. The landscape is extraordinary, and the church is quite pretty as well. It was really nice to get out into nature and breath some fresh air at last.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Girona Day Trip

The Class recently took a day trip through Catalonia to visit Girona and Olat.
Girona was a compact little city with some nice examples of Romanesque architecture.
We originally meant to visit Figueres to see the Dali museum, but the king of Spain decided to visit that day so we had to change our plans. Instead, we went to Olat where we visited the architecture firm RCR. We were able to tour a restaurant, hotel, and park that they designed. Their buildings were interesting because of their thoughtful detailing and the blurred lines between interior and exterior.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Field Trip 2

The class just returned from a two day trip to Rioja and Bilbao.
The first day we spent exploring Bilbao. We saw (another) Calatrava bridge but the huge attraction is the Guggenheim museum designed by Frank Gehry. It's a true masterpiece and it is completely mesmerizing from the inside and out. Pictures don't really convey the experience of being there.
The next day we toured three wineries in the Rioja Valley. The first winery was all-natural and hand done which was very cool to see. They also had a pavilion designed by Zaha Hadid which was interesting.
The second winery was very mass produced but posh. The winery consisted of a large complex and the showpiece was a chic hotel by Gehry.
The last winery was very upscale and was entirely designed by Calatrava. It was stunning, and clearly inspired by Guadi.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Break

For Spring Break I was able to swap apartments with some friends who are studying in Rome program. I was able to spend 8 days there which allowed me to tour it extensively. The weather was not ideal, but I had a couple of non-rainy moments.

The art and architecture are unmatched, and it was great to finally visit buildings I've learned so much about in architecture history. My favorite experiences were the ancient ruins scattered throughout the city. Touring them is evocative and intriguing.

Some of the museums I visited were the Borghese Gallery, the Vatican Museums, and the National Museum.. which were all amazing. I loved seeing Bernini's sculptures and Michelangelo's works. The Roman art at the National Museum was also a highlight.

It was nice to be able to see what everyone is up to in Rome, and compare it to Barcelona.

This is the view of the Campo from the apartment window. Not bad.

This was my favorite sculpture inside the Vatican Museums.
The Villa Borghese gardens are a welcome respite from the congested streets.
Rome's air pollution makes Barcelona's look like a joke.

Here's the Forum from Capital Hill.

A view of the Colosseum from the Victor Emmanuel Monument.

The Trevi Fountain needs no introduction.

The last day in Rome, I toured the Appian Way and Testaccio (where you can find this bizarre pyramid).