Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring Break

For Spring Break I was able to swap apartments with some friends who are studying in Rome program. I was able to spend 8 days there which allowed me to tour it extensively. The weather was not ideal, but I had a couple of non-rainy moments.

The art and architecture are unmatched, and it was great to finally visit buildings I've learned so much about in architecture history. My favorite experiences were the ancient ruins scattered throughout the city. Touring them is evocative and intriguing.

Some of the museums I visited were the Borghese Gallery, the Vatican Museums, and the National Museum.. which were all amazing. I loved seeing Bernini's sculptures and Michelangelo's works. The Roman art at the National Museum was also a highlight.

It was nice to be able to see what everyone is up to in Rome, and compare it to Barcelona.

This is the view of the Campo from the apartment window. Not bad.

This was my favorite sculpture inside the Vatican Museums.
The Villa Borghese gardens are a welcome respite from the congested streets.
Rome's air pollution makes Barcelona's look like a joke.

Here's the Forum from Capital Hill.

A view of the Colosseum from the Victor Emmanuel Monument.

The Trevi Fountain needs no introduction.

The last day in Rome, I toured the Appian Way and Testaccio (where you can find this bizarre pyramid).


  1. the picture of the colosseum is so beautiful! i love the lighted pedestrian sidewalks and arches of the building itself. amazing. i'm setting this as my desktop background!

  2. Rome is one of my favorite places(not that I've traveled that much!) The colosseum shot is mesmerizing, with the early evening light. thanks!

  3. I love that fountain, it's so cool.

  4. Thanks John for posting about Rome- I can't wait to see and hear more details when you get back- I agree on Bernini and Michelangelo. And the market! Luis and I spent a morning there buying fresh herbs and such 6 years ago. I can't believe you stayed there! I'm sure you were able to gain some incredible architectural perspective from Rome...
    Love ya,

  5. I love the pictures, John! I can't decide what picture I like the best. But, I want to be transported to those Villa Borghese gardens RIGHT NOW. I am so glad that you had a good Roman Holiday. I love you!!! Talk to you soon. Love, Cath and fam
