Saturday, April 11, 2009


Joe and I decided to hop on a bus down to Valencia for the night for Easter Break. The main attraction there is a huge complex designed by Calatrava called the City of Arts and Sciences. It's the largest landmark in the city and really quite overwhelming. I'm glad I saw it both during the day and at night because now I better understand Mr. Calatrava (who's one of the most sought-after celebrity architects these days).
The Arts and Sciences complex is unique and grand... but also overdone. Judge for yourself.


  1. Wow, yeah a bit overdone. It looks like a giant shark! lol, I love the night picture!

  2. Definitely over the top! But we all agree it is beautiful at night!

  3. John:

    Alright, I feel like a total ass for not writing this whole Spring. Awesome pictures, and I am jealous you got to see Morocco, it's a really unique place, although when I was there it was about 100 degrees.

    I am very psyched you get to have this whole experience, must be tough studying and travelling for 5 straight months, ya right.

    Have a great spring break and a blessed rest of the Easter break. I hope you have gotten to enjoy the food, the architecture, the people, the great quiet moments on the side streets and cafes of Europe (some of my favorite moments), and the Catholic treasures of Europe that always give me inspiration that life is ultimately a quest for meaning, purpose, and knowing God (I had to thrown that in there, after all you did go to Rome).

    I hope I did not talk up Spain and the Spanish culture too much. Me encanta Espana y las personalidades i especialmente la goza de vida.

    Que tengas un buen viaje, nos vemos en Mayo, y que Dios te bendiga.

